
Showing posts from April, 2022

Kokum Soda Recipe – Summer Cooler Kokum Fizz

Kokum Soda or Kokum Fizz – #Kokum in #Summers is good for your #digestive #health, prevents #acidity and cools the #body as well. Kokum #soda does just that for you. This is a #healthy and #refreshingly #cool summer #drink or #beverage prepared from the kokum or #Garciniaindica. You can #ask for it in any #Goan #restaurant in #Goa and you won’t be disappointed. Continue reading Kokum Soda Recipe – Summer Cooler Kokum Fizz at Recipes, Reviews, Travelogues.

All About Coffee | Know Your Beverage Coffee (Coffea)

Coffee lovers around the world reaching for their favourite morning #coffee #cuppa probably don’t know much about their daily #cup of #brew. What really defines their cup is the type of coffee #bean used, how it is #roasted, the amount of #grind, and how it is brewed. Find out all about coffee in this #space. Continue reading All About Coffee | Know Your Beverage Coffee (Coffea) at Recipes, Reviews, Travelogues.

Apple Cucumber Cherry Tomato Juice | Summer Cooling

Apple Cucumber Cherry Tomato Juice | Summer Cooling. When the first rays of the #sunlight appear in spring and we edge towards #summers, the #temperature goes up and #tea and #coffee seems to be unappealing. We all have a summer feeling, while it is only just #spring. And, at such a time there is nothing better than #Apple #Cucumber #CherryTomato #Juice when temperatures are rising. It’s so easy to learn how to make an Apple Cucumber Cherry Tomato Juice, that it hardly needs a #recipe. But here it goes. Continue reading Apple Cucumber Cherry Tomato Juice | Summer Cooling at Recipes, Reviews, Travelogues.

Konnichiwa Gurgaon – Avoid or Go Forth & Get Cheated

#Konnichiwa #Gurgaon offers an exhaustive menu to choose from, however, the extensive menu at #KonnichiwaGurgaon can be quite disastrous, if you don’t watch out. Their website calls them #authentic and that confuses me, How can #fusion be #authentic? Here is my #sushi #experience with them from last night. Continue reading Konnichiwa Gurgaon – Avoid or Go Forth & Get Cheated at Recipes, Reviews, Travelogues.